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SDF-TS Employer Registration
Form Tips and Tricks

When identifying ‘placement’ opportunities (page 4)

  • ‘Placement’ means job
    • The positions you’re going to hire that you’d like to claim the Hiring Grant and Training Subsidy for.
  • Scheduled days/hours of work
    • If the schedule is variable or uncertain, simply state as much in the text box.
  • Number of available positions
    • Important! State the number of people you anticipate hiring into the position over the course of the year.
    •  If you only say ‘one’ because you just hired one person, you will have to complete another full SDF-TS the next time you hire someone for the same position.
  • Don’t forget to ‘Add Placement Positions’ (bottom of page 4)
    • Push the button to generate another ‘Placement Position’ page.
    • Follow the same process as used for the first position.
      •  Complete a ‘Placement Position’ page for each position you anticipate hiring throughout the year which you’d like to claim the Hiring Grant and Training Subsidy for.
      •  If you don’t add all your positions into the same SDF-TS, you’ll have to complete another full SDF-TS when submitting for additional positions.
    • Each ‘placement position’ should be a different job, for instance:
      •  Placement Position 1 = Host/Hostess
      • Placement Position 2 = Server
      • Placement Position 3 = Line Cook
    • Remember! For each position, list the number of people you anticipate hiring throughout the year.

Where to find NOC and NAICS (page 4)



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